A downloadable game

Artifacts is a competitive card game for 2 players. Earn prestige for your school as you track down priceless artifacts and spy on your rival school to claim victory!

Artifacts only takes 10 minutes to play, but offers tons of replayability with just 18 cards. It was created to be a more accessible type of "worker placement" game, in which actions you take get blocked for your opponents. These games typically require intense long term strategy and resource micromanaging, but Artifacts was made to be easier to learn and play by making information your primary resource, while still allowing lots of room for creative plays and diverse strategies. 

Try the game on Tabletop Simulator here!


ArtifactsCards.pdf 569 kB
ArtifactsRules.pdf 153 kB

Install instructions

Print out the ArtifactsCards.pdf double sided, which will result in 2 pages total, 9 cards per page. There will be 4 double-sided cards on one page. For best results, put the 10 artifact cards into card sleeves with real playing cards with identical backs behind them. 

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